Monday, June 1, 2009

I Am Yours

Last night I got the awesome opportunity to see Hillsong in concert. It was absolutely amazing! The best part was it never actually felt like a concert; it felt like worship. God really showed up and made Himself known. While we were waiting for the concert to start, I started thinking about all of the people that work there. We have no idea where their hearts are or what they believe. Whether they are a Christian or want nothing to do with Christianity or God at all, we made a statement last night. At first it may have seemed like we all just came to hear some people sing, but as they started playing, it was clear that it wasn't about the people playing; it was about singing praise to our mighty and matchless Creator. It was so wonderful to be surrounded by so many people who share my beliefs, share my love, and share my heart. In case you didn't know, I am a very passionate person. I give my all for whatever I believe in and whatever I love. I also love music and I love to sing. When music comes on, I can't sit still, even if it's just tapping my foot. That being said, I am not a very still worshipper, if you will. I don't care what anyone else says, there is something about singing to God that genuinely consumes me, and I love that.

There have been many moment in my life where I have suddenly had a revelation, if you will, about a seemingly elementary principle. This night was one of them. I suddenly truly grasped who I am in Christ. For a long time now, I have felt totally and completely secure in who I am and who He made me to be, but I think I really got it. First of all, I am a friend of God. What is a friend exactly? My friends mean the world to me. I love every second I spend with them and cherish every moment. It amazes me that God would feel that way about me. Not only does He want me to want to spend time with Him, but He also wants to spend time with me. This has never been a one sided relationship. He really wants my friendship. Second of all, I am a conqueror. When someone says that something was conquered, what does it bring to mind? Complete obliteration. Destruction. Overpowering. Through Him, I am a conqueror of sin. He has bestowed upon me the power to completely obliterate, destroy, and overpower sin in my life. But most importantly, I am His. Totally, completely, undoubtedly His, and nothing can ever take that away. I pray that I never get over that fact.

"we aren't afraid, we aren't ashamed, Lord we know who we are. we are Your people and we won't be silent! unified, hear us cry at the top of our lungs, You are our God and we won't be shaken! Jesus, Savior, in my life You are everything. my future decided, I will praise Your name. I know that I am Yours!"

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