Saturday, October 10, 2009

I'm Here To Meet With You

I am so thankful for a sweet friend who sent me a very generous check to buy this awesome chair and make myself a great quiet time spot. This is seriously my favorite spot in my whole room. Every morning (well, almost every morning) I have a great routine: get up at 4:30, get a shower, then I sit here in this chair for about 20-30 minutes and spend some time with the Lord. I quickly learned that I cannot make it through a single day without Him. Of course I knew this before this semester began, but as I said before, I am becoming more and more dependent on Him every single day. I found that I was in the worst mood and often felt completely defeated if I didn't begin each day with God. I do not love getting up so early, especially when there is no way that I can go to sleep at 9:00 every night like I wish I could, but I really cherish this time. I love having a spot where I can settle in and just meet with God. He is totally rocking my world these days and I absolutely positively love it! Though those 30 minutes are not the hour/hour and a half I got so used to last year and over the summer, I am finding random moments throughout the day to also spend time with Him. It's a great reminder that He is always with me. God is so good, friends! And so is this chair :)

love love love this place

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